
Against feminide
2001 - 2004 | Civitavecchia Italy

The three maria
1995 - 1998 | Civitavecchia Italy

The Vitruviano
2002 - 2005 | Civitavecchia Italy
"Art is capable of expressing and making visible man's need to go beyond what is seen, shows thirst and the search for the infinite. Indeed, it is like an open door to the infinite, towards a beauty and a truth that go beyond everyday life. And a work of art can open the eyes of the mind and heart, pushing us upwards. " (Papa Benedetto XVI)
Roberto Cosimi

The tree of Life

Work realized by the master Cosimi in the years 2005-2008
Forging iron, discovering man
by Mario Michele Pascale
Roberto Cosimi is neither Catholic nor Christian. At least in the conventional sense of the term. He does not follow the liturgy or understand the need for a priestly order and an ecclesiastical hierarchy. However, he believes in the need for men to look beyond matter. There are questions that relate to life and death, to suffering and justice, to good and evil, on which we cannot rationally give answers. There exists in us a tension towards the infinite and the absolute. And we also have an enormous need to love and be loved, as creatures thrown into the world. To get out of our loneliness by understanding the unhappiness and the tragedy to which many of our peers are exposed.
Maestro Cosimi tells himself - part 2
Interview with Maestro Cosimi by Mina Marano. July 2019
Maestro Cosimi tells himself - part 1
Interview with Maestro Cosimi by Mina Marano. July 2019
Sereno Variabile RAI TV
Master Cosimi hosted by RAI Due in the episode of Sereno Variabile
of 2 April 2016 dedicated to Civitavecchia
of 2 April 2016 dedicated to Civitavecchia
by Mina Marano e Mario Pascale
Visitor or admirer stopped to contemplate, and you will feel the yearning for a prayer, because iron here speaks of self-transcendence.
Roberto Cosimi, the son of art, was born in the Trastevere district of Rome on 16 July 1948. Here, also the paternal grandfather Mastro Fortunato, was born on 22 November 1881. Ever since he was a child, Master Fortunato was distinguished by his passion for shaping according to tradition has iron. He was a "blacksmith", for living he made wrought iron beds, but he possessed the ability of an artist at 360 °: he forged, molded, painted, wrote in Gothic characters.
The art against the violena on women by Mario Mischele Pascale
L'arte contro la violenza sulle donne di Mario Michele Pascale
The works against violence against women by maestro Roberto Cosimi, the nail artist.
Roberto Cosimi The nail artist - Only for the sake of art
Insertion, Solidarity, Welcome, Inclusion, Acceptance